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51401 County Road E, Steuben, WI 54657

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{"markerType": "NDX_CENTER_POINT", "lat": "43.19389", "lng": "-90.8929", "name": "51401 County Road E, Steuben, WI 54657"}

Public Schools

School Name Distance From 51401 County Road E, Steuben, WI 54657
SENECA JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 5.87 miles (Show on Map)
{"markerType": "PUBLIC_SCHOOL", "AgencyId": "568234", "mlsname": "Public", "mlsnum": "0", "name": "SENECA JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL", "lat": "43.26524", "lng": "-90.9565353", "d2cntr": "5.87", "address": "202 MAIN STREET", "citystatezip": "SENECA, WI 54654", "phone": "(608) 734-3411", "gradelow": "6TH GRADE", "gradehigh": "8TH GRADE", "numstudents": "57", "rankstate": "N/A", "ranknational": "N/A"}
SENECA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 5.91 miles (Show on Map)
{"markerType": "PUBLIC_SCHOOL", "AgencyId": "387395", "mlsname": "Public", "mlsnum": "1", "name": "SENECA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL", "lat": "43.2649651", "lng": "-90.95844", "d2cntr": "5.91", "address": "HWY 27", "citystatezip": "SENECA, WI 54654", "phone": "(608) 734-3411", "gradelow": "PRESCHOOL", "gradehigh": "5TH GRADE", "numstudents": "117", "rankstate": "N/A", "ranknational": "N/A"}
WAUZEKA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 7.52 miles (Show on Map)
{"markerType": "PUBLIC_SCHOOL", "AgencyId": "386656", "mlsname": "Public", "mlsnum": "2", "name": "WAUZEKA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL", "lat": "43.08508", "lng": "-90.8831", "d2cntr": "7.52", "address": "301 E MAIN ST", "citystatezip": "WAUZEKA, WI 53826", "phone": "(608) 875-5311", "gradelow": "PRESCHOOL", "gradehigh": "5TH GRADE", "numstudents": "108", "rankstate": "N/A", "ranknational": "N/A"}
WAUZEKA MIDDLE SCHOOL 7.52 miles (Show on Map)
{"markerType": "PUBLIC_SCHOOL", "AgencyId": "568193", "mlsname": "Public", "mlsnum": "3", "name": "WAUZEKA MIDDLE SCHOOL", "lat": "43.08508", "lng": "-90.8831", "d2cntr": "7.52", "address": "301 E MAIN ST", "citystatezip": "WAUZEKA, WI 53826", "phone": "(608) 875-5311", "gradelow": "6TH GRADE", "gradehigh": "8TH GRADE", "numstudents": "95", "rankstate": "N/A", "ranknational": "N/A"}
WAUZEKA HIGH SCHOOL 7.52 miles (Show on Map)
{"markerType": "PUBLIC_SCHOOL", "AgencyId": "568192", "mlsname": "Public", "mlsnum": "4", "name": "WAUZEKA HIGH SCHOOL", "lat": "43.08508", "lng": "-90.8831", "d2cntr": "7.52", "address": "301 E MAIN ST", "citystatezip": "WAUZEKA, WI 53826", "phone": "(608) 875-5311", "gradelow": "9TH GRADE", "gradehigh": "12TH GRADE", "numstudents": "71", "rankstate": "N/A", "ranknational": "N/A"}

Private Schools

School Name Distance From 51401 County Road E, Steuben, WI 54657

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